£500+ bonus payouts for hundreds of Crown members

Postal, Post Office (PO)

Almost 90 per cent of Crown offices have achieved incentive awards of at least £500, reports CWU assistant secretary Andy Furey, in the first results of the new scheme that was introduced by national agreement in January.

The payments, which cover the 2018/19 financial year, are set to be made with June salaries and will, says Andy, “mean a welcome cash boost for the summer for hundreds of hard-working members.”

January’s agreement, which was negotiated by the union and endorsed by members, aimed to “provide our members with a better and fairer opportunity to achieve improved bonus payments,” he explains, and adds that “in view of the relatively successful operation of the new scheme, it is agreed that this scheme will also roll over to the 2019/20 financial year.”

Although 87.3 per cent of Crown offices have achieved £500 or more from the scheme, there are various “anomalies” that have become apparent over this recent period and the union will be meeting the business in the next few days to discuss these issues.

“Where we feel a strong case can be made for enhancing the value of a particular Crown office’s bonus, we’re hoping that the Post Office will review these cases and make any agreed enhancements with July salaries,” adds Andy.

*for further details, please see LTB  347/19