LTB 662/18 – Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre – A Political Protest by CWU Women – Saturday 24th November 2018

No. 662/18

21st November 2018

To:      All Branches


Dear Colleague


Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre – A Political Protest by CWU Women – Saturday 24th November 2018

Further to LTB 617/18, we are writing to confirm further details in relation to the visit to Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre.

The meeting point on the day will be on Twinwood Road, MK41 6HL at midday.

I would be grateful if you can RSVP in order that we can have an indication of who will be attending.

The Equal Opportunities Department has contacted the detention Centre to alert them of our visit and we have also made a request to see if a social visit can be facilitated to allow a number of us to gain access into the Centre with a view to speaking with some of the detainees.  We are waiting to hear what the response to this request will be.  If you are interested in attending as part of an official CWU group, you will need to have an up-to-date passport, EC Identity Card or Photographic Driver’s License.  If you do not have one of these, two of the following will also suffice.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Rail/Bus Pass with Photograph
  • Employer’s ID Card
  • Trade Union Membership Card

For a full list of ID requirements, please visit  Their website states that “visits are a very important part of the Yarl’s Wood day and we encourage you to come and spend time with our residents as often as you can”.

Please note that anyone going in for a visit will be searched, biometrically fingerprinted and have their photograph taken as part of the visit clearance procedure.  All finger prints are deleted after 3 months after the visit.

A programme of activity planned for our visit, will be circulated on the day.

Any enquiries, please contact the Equal Opportunities Department on 0208 971 7388 or 07906636766.


Yours sincerely


Dave Ward

General Secretary

LTB 662 – Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre – A Political Protest by CWU Women – Saturday 24th November 2018