LTB 443/21 – Royal Mail: Customer Experience – Agreed Increase to Resourcing Levels

No. 443/2021

25th October 2021

Dear Colleagues


Branches will be aware, in conjunction with our Senior Customer Experience Reps, we regularly monitor the resourcing arrangements within CE and engage in national negotiations as appropriate.  To this end, with the introduction of extended opening hours coupled with increasing volumes of customer enquiries, we have agreed with CE that there should be an increase to the overall template as follows

  • 60 New Recruits to commence in the New Year
  • 18 current temporary contract workers to be made permanent (these are the longest serving people and following this activity nobody left on a temporary contract will have more than 6 months service)

This is clearly a positive development and will have benefits on the wider membership as a total of 78 new permanent advisors will relieve some of the pressure felt in respect of workload and will crucially help to reduce queuing times, resulting in a better experience for the customer.

This development is being reported via the attached Joint Statement.

If you have any questions in relation to this LTB, please contact Lea Sheridan –

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey                            

Assistant Secretary       

LTB 443/21 – Royal Mail – Customer Experience – Agreed Increase to Resourcing Levels 

Attachment: Joint Statement