LTB 412/20 Post Office: Admin & Supply Chain Bonus Payments 2019/20

No. 412/2020

5th August 2020


Dear Colleagues


I am pleased to advise Branches the attached Joint Statements have been agreed with regards to the annual bonus payments for our members working in Admin and Supply Chain (on-target bonus potential of £900 for both areas). The following payments will be made with August salaries (pro-rata for part-timers):

For Admin members, the £900 on-target bonus payment is based 100% upon the Post Office achieving its EBITDAS (profit) target and for 2019/20, the Post Office has reported (subject to final approval) it achieved 97.18% of target. Therefore, our Admin members will receive the following bonus:

Bonus Calculation Bonus Total
£900 x 97.18% £874.62


Supply Chain – All Grades
The Supply Chain on-target bonus is comprised of £450 for hitting the Post Office EBITDAS target and £450 for meeting Supply Chain specific measures (Quality of Service and compliance, including safety, which were met in full for 2019/20). Therefore, the following bonus will be made to our Supply Chain members:

Bonus Calculation Bonus Total
£450 x 97.18%


£450 x 100%


Whilst the £900 target has been very narrowly missed, our members will still receive good bonus payments and in the current environment I have no doubt these payments will be welcomed by our members.

Yours sincerely


Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary

20LTB412 Post Office – Admin & Supply Chain Bonus Payments 2019-20

Attachment 1 to 20LTB412 – Joint Statement – Admin

Attachment 2 to 20LTB412 – Joint Statement – Supply Chain