LTB 392/20 – Capita TVL: Covid-19 & Furlough – Return to Work for Field Members

No. 392/2020

23rd July 2020


Dear Colleagues


Further to LTB 237/20 dated 1st May. Branches will recall that following a decision by the BBC just prior to lockdown, the TVL Field operation was suspended from Friday 20th March, with members sent home and Capita TVL committing to paying members their full pay for both March and April.

Further to this, we subsequently received confirmation the Field members were to be furloughed with implementation backdated to 1st April. It is positive to note that the Field members also received 100% of pay for May and June as Capita agreed to top up the 80% furlough arrangement. Disappointingly however, for July, Capita refused to extend the payment of the extra 20% meaning our members were therefore on 80% of pay for a single month.

The BBC and Capita have now made the decision to return all Field members to work from Monday 3rd August. We have been in discussions with management regarding this decision and the following Joint Statement has been agreed and published today:

It has been agreed that our Field Visiting within Capita TVL will resume from Monday 3 August 2020, to deliver crucial services for customers who may have payment, bereavement and vulnerability issues.

The CWU, the BBC and Capita TVL are working very closely during this difficult time to ensure our plans to safely operate are agreed jointly. Colleague safety and welfare is our priority.

Capita will continue to adhere to all Government’s guidance, including social distancing, and will make the necessary changes to support this. It is imperative that you also take personal responsibility to ensure you follow Government guidance at all times.

Colleagues will receive further information from their line manager, including detailed information on the measures being taken to protect colleague welfare. In this regard, please ensure you take the time to read the agreed Q&As. We are also jointly reviewing the Standard Operating Procedures and these will published in advance of Monday 3 August.

At this very difficult time, our priority is the well-being of our people.

Finally, should you have any questions please contact your designated Line Manager or your CWU Representative.

Paul Johnston                                                        Andy Furey
Managing Director                                              Assistant Secretary
Capita TVL                                                             CWU

Our Senior Capita Representatives continue to work closely with the relevant managers to ensure the measures being put in place in terms of the safety and well-being of our Field members are fit for purpose. The Standard Operating Procedures have been jointly reviewed and updated where appropriate and these will be shared with all members prior to returning to work along with a set of Q&As.

We are confident all the necessary arrangements are being put in place for our members to return to work, although there is full acknowledgement that this situation will be daunting to some as these members have been off work for over four months and there will be trepidation about engaging with members of the public. In the circumstances, appropriate support is being provided.

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary

20LTB392 – Capita TVL : Covid-19 & Furlough – Return to Work for Field Members