LTB 321/22 – Capita TVL: Pay 2022 – Joint Statement – Formal Mediation Process

No. 321/2022

25th July 2022


Dear Colleagues


Further to LTB 300/22 dated 7th July.

Branches are advised that a further meeting at Acas in relation to the pay dispute took place on Thursday 21st July.  I was accompanied by Saf Khan, Postal Executive member.  Unfortunately an agreement could not be reached and both parties have now decided to enter into formal mediation.  In this regard, the following Joint Statement has been agreed:

Talks in respect of a pay rise and associated matters have continued at Acas. However, despite everyone’s best endeavours to make progress, this hasn’t been possible at this stage and the gap between the parties remains significant.

As a consequence, Capita & CWU have now agreed to enter into a formal Mediation process that entails the appointment of a professional and independent Mediator who will make recommendations to both parties to assist in a mutual resolution.

The formal Mediation is preceded by written submissions where both parties outline their positions. Following this a joint meeting is held a week later with the Mediator meeting with both Capita and CWU. The date for this has been set for Tuesday 6th September which is the earliest available time for everyone involved. We are sure you will appreciate we are entering the peak summer leave period and this makes it difficult to identify suitable dates.

We naturally thank everyone for their patience and wish to assure you that both Capita and CWU are taking this matter very seriously and remain committed to finding a mutually agreeable way forward.

We do not expect any further updates until after 6th September as we have to let the process take its course. Further developments will of course be reported.

Kind regards

Paul Johnston                                                  Andy Furey

Capita TVL Managing Director                            CWU Assistant Secretary


We will now be turning our focus to preparing a compelling submission to the Mediator in conjunction with our Research Department.

Our Senior Representatives and Branches with Capita TVL members are urged to bring the Joint Statement above to the attention of our members.

Further developments will be reported.

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary

Attachment 1: 22LTB321 – Capita TVL – Pay 2022 – Joint Statement – Formal Mediation Process