LTB 307/19 – Royal Mail Group Holiday Pay

No. 307/19

23rd May 2019

Dear Colleague,

Royal Mail Group Holiday Pay

Further to LTB 288/19 regarding the above.

We have been made aware that managers in certain locations are refusing to log grievances for members over the issue of holiday pay and are claiming that they do not need to follow this process as discussions are now taking place nationally.

If members in your locality are being told this, we advise them to email their manager asking for a grievance to be recorded so that a paper trail exists. We will then notify ACAS that this is the case.

We have also expressed concerns to ACAS about the final wording of the COT3 Settlement Agreement and in particular in relation to Paragraph 2. We are apprehensive that the current wording may result in members not receiving back pay in the event that this is secured through a national collective agreement.

The Union is currently in discussions with RMG through ACAS to agree suitable alternative wording that would prevent this from being the case. We have also informed ACAS that whilst members can agree the monetary offer, all of the associated COT3 forms that contain the legal terms and conditions, should be put on hold until this wording has been finalised.

Many members who are now taking annual leave are effectively losing out on money that is legally theirs. We would therefore encourage all Branches to continue to maximise the number of claims submitted to ACAS.

A meeting has been held with Royal Mail Group at national level in order to commence negotiations about this issue and secure a national agreement. Your ongoing efforts will help to bring this to fruition.

Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department.

Yours sincerely,

Terry Pullinger
Deputy General Secretary (Postal)