LTB 206/22 – Capita TVL: Pay – Referral to Acas – Joint Statement

No. 206/2022

4th May 2022

Dear Colleagues


Further to LTB195/22 dated 27th April.  As previously reported, Capita TVL has agreed to refer the current impasse on pay for 1st January 2022 to Acas.  We obviously support this position on the basis of exploring every opportunity to make progress, which is necessary to avoid a dispute.

Below is a Joint Statement in regards to the Acas referral:

Capita TVL & CWU Joint Statement – Pay 2022: Joint Referral to Acas for Collective Conciliation

Following our recent communication in respect of pay bargaining, we have unfortunately reached an impasse whereby the offer made by Capita TVL has been rejected by the CWU. Both parties remain committed to finding a mutually agreeable resolution. To this end, we have jointly agreed to approach Acas (who provide independent dispute resolution services) to invite them to assist us in collective conciliation.

Whilst we will be treating this with urgency, we are nonetheless in the hands of Acas in terms of timescales so we would ask you to be patient whilst both parties engage constructively in this external process.

We will of course communicate with you further in due course when progress is made.

Paul Johnston                                                             Andy Furey

Capita TVL Managing Director                             CWU Assistant Secretary

Further developments will be reported.

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary

Attachment 1: 22LTB206 Capita TVL – Pay – Referral to Acas – Joint Statement