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We are delighted to launch the United Tech and Allied Workers (UTAW) National Branch of the Communication Workers Union, which seeks to represent and fight for workers interests in the expanding tech sector. The CWU has for some time been a viable option for workers in the tech industry looking to unionise, and already has members in the sector working for companies such as Amazon.

The formation of this new branch seeks to expand our existing membership in the sector and provide existing and potential members a dedicated space within which to organise and collectivise to support and empower one another as we fight against exploitative business practices in the industry and for the improvement of every member’s working conditions.

UTAW represents all tech workers: if you develop or deploy technology, regardless of your employer’s industry; if your workplace is owned by a tech company; if your labour is a necessary part of a tech companies’ operation; and if you are currently studying to work in tech in the future. If you are not currently a member of a trade union but would like to be – we encourage you to join us.


Ask us a question by clicking the tab below, or Join Us by entering your employer name as ‘UTAW’ and completing registration form.